Here's the thing:
Wrapping paper is bought for the express purpose of throwing away. Very few people save and reuse it, or if they do, it might just be once and then the next recipient throws it away. Think about it - we pay to buy the gift wrap, and then we pay someone to haul it away...and it ends up in a landfill somewhere. That's just disturbing.
So don't complain unless you have a solution, right? Here's the idea. This year, I will use bags; reuseable, of course. No tissue paper. Shredded newspaper will do - to be recycled or composted. Then, perhaps, large fabric bags (handmade) like Santa sacks, with several unwrapped gifts inside. These to be returned next year to be refilled or given back with next year's gifts inside them.
We'll see how it goes...maybe a new family tradition will be born, maybe I'll be banned from the gift wrapping society. I'll let you know.